Saturday, June 2, 2012

Stevia as sweetener to Sante Pure Barley products

Stevia is a small shrub like perennial plant which belongs to sunflower (Asteraceae) family. It is also known as Eupatorium rebaudianum, sweetleaf, honeyleaf and sugarleaf, and sweet herb of Paraguay. The leaves of Stevia are a source of natural zero-calorie sweetener which is considered sweeter than sugar (sucrose). It has been used in South and Central America , Japan and many other parts of the world as a sugar substitute and in the treatment of a number of health conditions for centuries. Initially the leaves of Stevia were consumed fresh or dried but eventually chemists isolated the glycosides called stevioside and rebaudioside from its leaves that give stevia its sweet taste. Stevia also contains phytonutrients, trace elements, minerals, vitamins and volatile oils which give Stevia its nutritional and medicinal properties. In 2008, FDA (The Food and Drug Administration) approved sweetener derived from the herb stevia as safe for use in foods and beverages. The steviols glycosides are now used in herbal supplements, foods and beverages, and as sweetening powders and syrups. Unlike other sweeteners, Stevia can be used in baking and cooking and its lesser amount is ample.

How Pure Barley Helps Combat Diseases


- Barley contains enzymes such as Fatty Acid Oxidase, Peroxidase, Catalase, Cytochrome Oxidase and Transhydrogenase that cause decomposition of fats in our bodies.

- It has chlorophyll which cuts excess cholesterol and triglycerides and other lipids.

- It contains soluble fiber which helps metabolize fats, cholesterol andcarbohydrates.

- It contains Arginine (14.3mg/g) at higher amounts which keep the blood vessels elastic, keeping the blood flow smoothly, melts away plaque that exists in blood vessels and also reduces blood clots and bad cholesterol.

- Formation of Procollagen Type IV prevents the formation of plaque (atherosclerotic plaques) in the blood vessels.


- Barley contains a high amount of Arginine (14.3mg/g) and this amino acid is used to release insulin from the

pancreas and help increase glucose uptake in the muscle cells.

- It has Chromium that increases the ability of insulin to bind to cells and leads to increase insulin sensitivity

of the body tissues. It makes the body more efficient in absorbing the blood sugar. It acts as a “Travel
Guide”, opening the door for the insulin to enter into the body cells. It lowers blood sugar and insulin levels
in people with type II diabetes.
- It has Vanadium which activates insulin receptors, making the beta cell of the pancreas produce more
insulin, resulting in the decrease of blood sugar.


- Barley is good for cancer because of the presence of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) which restores the

functions and repairs the body’s DNA to prevent cancer cells from developing. SOD is also a free radical

scavenger of tumor cells.

- It is also good for cancer due to the presence of P4D1 enzyme which destroys cancer cells and at the
same time immediately repairs damaged DNA molecules of the cells.
- It contains a high amount of Potassium (3,800mg/100g) which is very important in preventing new growth
and multiplication of cancer cells.
- It contains Peroxidase enzyme which breaks and neutralizes the carcinogenic black color substance in
grilled meat and fish.
- Since barley is highly alkaline, it destroys cancer cells.
- It has a high score of ORAC 25,500 per 100 grams having high amounts of oxygen carrying capacity.
Cancer cells cannot live in high concentrations of oxygen.
- It contains 2-O-Glycosylisovitexin enzyme which prevents multiplication of cancer cells.


- Barley contains a high amount of Vitamin C (548mg/100g) plus the four important Amino Acids (Proline,

Lysine, Arginine, and Glycine) which are necessary for the formation or production of procollagen to

produce Type I and Type II collagen needed in rebuilding damaged cartilage and tendons in joints.

- Lysine increases the production of procollagen which helps in rebuilding new bones, tendon cells, and
cartilage tissue and in turn for the healing of wounds.
- Proline is a component of cartilage for healthy joints and ligaments.
- Organic Sodium (775mg/10g) which dissolves calcium deposited in the joints.


- Barley is good for asthma due to the presence of Vitamin C plus Arginine needed in the formation of

procollagen Type III. When the supply of collagen in our body is sufficient, it prevents constriction of the

bronchial tubes, making the flow of oxygen normal.

- It also cleans foreign waste materials such as sputum present in the bronchial tubes.
- It contains chlorophyll, a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy component, which prevents bronchial


- Barley is good for ulcer/hyperacidity because it is highly alkaline which reduces the acidity levels in our


- The presence of Arginine and chlorophyll makes the healing of wounds and damaged tissues in the

stomach faster.
- Due to the organic sodium present, it facilitates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach which
helps in the digestion of food and neutralizes acidity.


- Barley contains Arginine in high amounts which can significantly improve sexual performance for men and


- Due to the presence of Arginine, it produces Nitric Oxide which is responsible for penile erection and can

correct 90% of all penile dysfunction.


- Barley is good for the treatment of sterility of men and women because of the presence of Arginine which

increases sperm/egg cell production and motility.


- Barley is good for liver cirrhosis because of the presence of chlorophyll, a powerful detoxifying agent for

the liver because it removes carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

- The presence of Arginine helps detoxify the liver by neutralizing the ammonia.

- The presence of Glysine (amino acid), a powerful anti-oxidant, protects the liver cells.
- The presence of 2-O-Glycosylisovitexin prevents the formation of acetaldehyde and malonaldehyde
thereby preventing the formation of fatty liver and liver cirrhosis.


- Barley is good because it contains all the important enzymes, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals,

phytonutrients, chlorophyll, vitamins which can correct the physiological body disorder.

- It stimulates the production of procollagen Type I which makes the skin smoother and supple.

- It stimulates the production of white blood cells in the bone marrow and T and B cells which fight against
bacterial and viral infection.


- Barley is good for Dysmenorrhea due to the presence of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) which removes or

neutralizes the toxins present in the uterus.

- It stimulates the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter substance that prevents pain during



- Barley is good for Myoma due to the presence of enzymes SOD, Peroxidase, Fatty Acid Oxidase,

Cytochrome Oxidase and Transhydrogenase that can degrade/decompose the myoma and prevent its


- It acts as a scavenger according to Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara.
- It controls the imbalance of progesterone/estrogen ratio that is released from the pituitary glands that
stimulate the growth of myoma.


- Barley is good for constipation because it contains high amounts of insoluble fibers which promote a

healthy digestive tract and with the presence of SOD, removes toxic substances present in the digestive


- It contains SOD which aids in the digestion of food.
- It contains chlorophyll which is an internal softener of undigested food or waste products in the large


- Barley is good anemia due to the presence of chlorophyll which stimulates hemoglobin production. It

promotes an abundant supply of good quality red blood cells capable of carrying life-giving oxygen and

nutrients to the body’s cells.

- It has folic acid (Vit. B12) which helps uptake of iron to combine with globin to form hemoglobin in the
red blood cells.


- Due to the presence of chlorophyll, Barley has anti-inflammatory properties which prevent inflammation. It

stimulates the receptors of the immune system, especially the bone marrow, to produce white blood cells

against viruses which cause rhinitis.


- Barley contains Carnitine (A.A) which promotes fat burning.

- The presence of Fatty Acid Oxidase, Peroxidase, Catalase and Transhydrogenase enzymes help

breakdown fatty tissues in the body.

- It contains chlorophyll that cuts excess fats (lipids) in the body.


- Barley contains Serotonine (neurotransmitter cells) which controls pain and promotes good sleep and


- It contains Procollagen Type IV which relaxes the brain’s blood vessels from vasoconstriction.


- Barley contains chlorophyll which is a strong deodorizer of the digestive tract.

- The presence of SOD, a powerful anti-oxidant, prevents the decomposition of food in the gastro-intestinal



- Barley is good for dengue infection because it stimulates the bone marrow to produce platelets.

- It contains chlorophyll, which has almost the same molecular structure as the hemoglobin. Chlorophyll

increases hemoglobin production, meaning more oxygen gets to the cells.

The information above have been carefully selected from various researches on the internet regarding the benefits of barley. The facts presented are based on scientific researches by scientists who did the actual research, and are merely for the information and additional knowledge of readers. They do not supersede the medical knowledge and advice of a medical professional or doctor.

You should not use the information in this site for diagnosis or for prescription of any medication or treatment. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. This dietary supplement is not intended as a treatment, prevention, or cure for a specific disease or condition.


Barley (Hordeum vulgare) grows in over one hundred countries in the world. It is a grain plant like wheat, cereal, corn and rice.

Barley used to be the most important crop. In the ancient times, barley was regularly served in the variety of bread and porridge. It was Barley and neither wheat nor rice that was the primary grain of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Hebrews during the old ages. Egyptian workers during the ancient times refer to barley as nourishment having merely three loaves of barley bread and beer made from barley a day. One reason it is not surprising that it was mentioned several times in the bible both New and Old Testament.

The immense importance of the said crop in the olden times is irrefutable. A Vedic writing in the Indus Valley mentioned barley and rice as “two immortal sons of heaven.” Emperor Shen Nung of China declared barley as one of the five sacred plants in his country dated 2, 800 B.C. Rice, wheat, millet and soybeans are the other sacred plants that he cited.
Barley is also much selected by the Athletes as the Greeks regard to it as the most strengthening grain. The gladiators of Rome are often named Hordearii or Barley Men since their diet relied on Barley. Sumerians also use barley as a form of money. Barley being used as a monetary exchange was also recorded in Babylonians, Code of Hammurabi dating 1750 B.C. An ancient town in Greece, Eleusis which is no longer in existence today rewards sacks of barley for game winners.

Nonetheless, barley commenced losing its good turn during the advancement of Common Era particularly in Greece and Rome. People at some point in that stage learned that wheat is much better to use in bread making. Wheat has further flavor and can be stored longer due to its more gluten contents. In no time, the production of barley became scarce. Barley then was deemed as the grain of the poor and the wheat for the rich.

At the moment, barley is regarded as the fourth most important crop in the world. It is also at most popular not due to its nutrition but its important disposition in beer production unlike before. While barley still gets into dinner tables such scenario in fact already seldom take place. It is now commonly sold for animal fodder and what's left is for the production of beer.
(ORAC) Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity
- Barley contains 25, 500 Radical Absorbance Capacity per 100 grams.
- The Higher the ORAC Number, the Greater the amount of Antioxidants in the food.
- As per Scientists test tube analysis, No other food can give this antioxidant protection.
- USDA recommends an ORAC unit ingestion of about 3, 000 to 5, 000 units daily.

“Barley Grass is not multi-vitamins. It is a combination of Micro-nutrients. Research has shown that the green leaves of the young Barley plant contain the most prolific balanced supple of nutrients that exist on earth in a single source.” said Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara


P4D1 Enzyme
- Stimulates Repair of DNA molecule, Produce good cells and Destroy Cancer Cell.

Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
- Is a very powerful Enzyme
- Has anti-aging properties
- Reduces the risk of Cancer and Cataract
- Restores Functions and Repair Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) in older and less active cells
- Removes Toxic substances from our cells and Enhance immune function
- Neutralizes Superoxide Free Radicals (breakdown of synovial fluid that leads to inflammatory response in joints
i.e. Arthritis, Bursitis, and Gout).
- Helps the body to use minerals such as zing, copper, manganese effectively.

- Enhances insulin action that leads to better absorption and use of sugar
- Chromium can lower blood sugar and even out insulin level

Folic Acid
- Produces and Maintains New Cells
- Rapid Cell Division and Growth such as infancy and pregnancy
- Needed to make DNA and RNA (building blocks of cells) Deoxyribonucleic Acid, Ribonucleic Acid
- Reduces 70% incidents of Spina Bifida and other Neural Tube Defect
- Prevents changes in DNA that may lead to Cancer
- Prevents Anemia
- Makes Normal Cells to Adults and Children
- Are plant chemicals coming from the soil that contains protective disease preventing compound.
- Can prevent and treat four of America’s leading source of death namely: cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease
and hypertension.

7-O-GIO (Lutonarin) and 7-0-GIV (Saponarin)
- Very powerful Antioxidant
- An effective anti oxidant against Lipid Peroxidation caused by Ultra Violet Radiation
- Prevents Environmental Stress
- May play preventive role in Aging, mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis and Radiation Damage

Chlorophyll (Liquid Oxygenated Sunshine)
- Helps reduce platelet activating factor and protects blood vessels from damage.
- Chlorophyll is very effective throughout the micro-circulatory system, protecting the smallest vessels from
damage as per George Washington University.
- Removes Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide in the body
- Powerful detoxifying agent for the Liver
- Stimulates hemoglobin Production
- Has wound healing properties
- Stimulates Red Blood Cells

Organic Sodium
- Dissolves calcium deposited on the joints and refills organic sodium in the stomach lining.
- Improves production of Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach that relieves digestion.
- Barley has 775mg of Organic Sodium per 100 grams.

- Counteracts Try-P1 and P2 (a carcinogen found in grilled meat and fish) as well as 3-4 Benzyperene and
Tobacco’s carcinogen.

“Scientific evidence indicates that including Barley in a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease by lowering LDL and total cholesterol levels.” - FDA News, 19th of May 2006

Monday, May 14, 2012


Barley Grass (Hordeum vulgare) contain perhaps the most balanced nutrient profile of all green plants. Many of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes present in barley grass act as powerful antioxidants protecting our body from free radical damage, enhancing our immune system and improving cardiovascular health by reducing oxidative stress on cholesterol and the body as a whole. 

Young barley grass is rich inchlorophyll, the substance which gives plants their green color. Chlorophyll has been studied for its potential in stimulating tissue growth and in stimulating red blood cells in connection with oxygen supply. Chlorophyll also removes carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and reportedly inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Chlorophyll is a deodorizer that helps control bad breath, urine and fecal odor and body odor. 

Barleys high fiber content helps promote regular bowel movement. It helps strengthen the immune system and helps protect against dreaded disease such as cancer. It acts as a detoxifier and may help remove toxic heavy metals from the body. 

It contains a mucilaginous substance, which relieves inflammation and soothes throat and stomach distress. Barley grass is naturally alkaline and may help neutralize excess acidic materials in the body to maintain a healthy acidity/alkalinity balance. 

It contains all essential amino acids for proper metabolism. It also contains trace minerals that are vital to health. These are used by the body to activate enzymes, sustain cellular activity, and absorb and utilize other minerals.


Barley Grass is considered a powerful antioxidant and immuno-stimulant.  Many of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes present in Barley Grass act to protect the body from free radica damage and enhance our immune systems.  Antioxidant enzymes, such as the free-radical scavenger, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and the antioxidant, 2" - O-glucosylisovitexin (2" O-GIV), have been isolated, and 2" O-GIV is reported to possess antioxidant activity that is superior even to vitamin E.  These qualities are believed to be helpful in preventing serious invasive disease.

A Total Complete Food
The only vegetation on earth that can supply nutritional support from birth to old age.
  • 11 Times the Calcium in Cow's milk
  • 5 Times the Iron in Spinach
  • 7 Times the Vitamin C in Oranges
  • 2 Times the Beta Carotene in Carrots
  • 80 mg of Vitamin B12 per hundred grams

Micronutrients found in Green Barley Leaves:
  • 16 Vitamins: Biotin, Choline, Folic acid, Folate, Niacin, Panthotenic acid, Vitamin A (beta carotene), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin F, Vitamin K, Vitamin E.
  • 17 Minerals: Boron, Calcium, Chloride, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Nickel, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Sulfur, Zinc, Trace amounts of more than 50 other minerals.
  • 17 Enzymes: ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), Alpha Mannosidase, Aspartate aminotransferase, Beta Glucosidase, Catalase, Cytochrome oxidase, DNase, Fatty acid oxidase, Hexokinase, Malic dehydrogenase, Nitrate reductase, Nitrogen oxyreductase, P4D1, Peroxidase, Peroxidase catalase, Phosphatase, Phospholipase, Polyphenol oxidase, RNase, Superoxide dismutase, Transhydrogenase.
  • 18 Amino Acids: Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic acid, Cystine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine. 
Certified Organic Barley
Not every farm that claims to be organic is organic.
Sante provides only organic barley from farms certified by BioGro NZ, New Zealand’s leading organic certification agency. BioGro is accredited by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM) which represents the best in International organic standards.

 The BioGro certificate assures us that there are no unsafe levels of heavy metals, herbicide, and insecticide residues. NZ farms cannot be “certified organic” if unsafe residues are found. The farm must undergo residue testing as part of its certification.

 Guaranteed Young Barley Leaves

The young leaves of organic barley are harvested only once, when they are below 30cm in height. Only the barley tops, where nutrients are concentrated, are harvested. No second or third harvest of young barley leaves are in any of Sante products. 
Guaranteed Fresh

                 Freshly harvested barley is immediately transported to the manufacturing plant for drying, milling and packing. It takes only 1-6 hours between harvest and drying of fresh barley leaves using a patented process that assures preservation of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids.

(ORAC) Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity - Barley contains 25, 500 Radical Absorbance Capacity per 100 grams. The Higher the ORAC Number, the Greater the amount of Antioxidants in the food. As per Scientists test tube analysis, No other food can give this antioxidant protection.   USDA  recommends an  ORAC unit ingestion of about   3, 000  to 5, 000 units daily.

Barley Grass is NOT multi-vitamins. It is a combination of Micro-nutrients. Research has shown that the green leaves of the young Barley plant contain the most prolific balanced supple of nutrients that exist on earth in a single source.  said Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara.

“Barley grass is one of the most incredible products of this decade. It improves stamina, sexual energy, clarity of thought, and reduces addiction to things that are bad for you. It also improves the texture of the skin, and heals the dryness associated with aging.” – Dr. Howard Lutz, Director for the Institute of Preventive Medicine, Washington, D.C.


P4D1 Enzyme

Stimulates Repair of DNA molecule, Produce good cells and Destroy Cancer Cell.
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
    * ∗ a very powerful Enzyme
    * ∗Has anti-aging properties
    * ∗Reduces the risk of Cancer and Cataract
    * ∗Restores Functions and Repair Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) in older and less active cells
    * Removes Toxic substances from our cells and Enhance immune function
    * ∗Neutralizes Superoxide Free Radicals (breakdown of synovial fluid that leads to inflammatory response in joints i.e. Arthritis, Bursitis, and Gout).
    * ∗Helps the body to use minerals such as zing, copper, manganese effectively.

    * ∗ Enhances insulin action that leads to better absorption and use of sugar
    * ∗ Chromium can lower blood sugar and even out insulin level

Folic Acid
    * ∗ Produces and Maintains New Cells
    * ∗ Rapid Cell Division and Growth such as infancy and pregnancy
    * ∗ Needed to make DNA and RNA (building blocks of cells) Deoxyribonucleic Acid,Ribonucleic Acid
    * ∗ Reduces 70% incidents of Spina Bifida and other Neural Tube Defect
    * ∗ Prevents changes to DNA that may lead to Cancer
    * ∗ Prevents Anemia
    * ∗ Makes Normal Cells to Adults and Children

    * ∗ Are plant chemicals coming from the soil that contains protective disease preventing compound.
    * ∗ Can prevent and treat four of America's leading source of death namely: cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

7-O-GIO (Lutonarin) and 7-0-GIV (Saponarin)    * ∗ Very powerful Antioxidant
    * ∗ An effective anti oxidant against Lipid Peroxidation caused by Ultra Violet Radiation
    * ∗ Prevents Environmental Stress
    * ∗ May play preventive role in Aging, mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis and Radiation Damage

Chlorophyll (Liquid Oxygenated Sunshine)

    * ∗ Helps reduce platelet activating factor and protects blood vessels from damage.
    * ∗ Chlorophyll is very effective throughout the micro-circulatory system, protecting the smallest vessels from damage as per George Washington University.
    * ∗ Removes Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide in the body
    * ∗ Powerful detoxifying agent for the Liver
    * ∗ Stimulates hemoglobin Production
    * ∗ Has wound healing properties
    * ∗ Stimulates Red Blood Cells

Organic Sodium
    * ∗ Dissolves calcium deposited on the joints and refills organic sodium in the stomach lining.
    * ∗ Improves production of Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach that relieves digestion.
    * ∗ arley has 775mg of Organic Sodium per 100 grams.

    * ∗ Counteracts Try-P1 and P2 (a carcinogen found in grilled meat and fish) as well as 3-4 Benzyperene and Tobacco's carcinogen.





* Amenorrhea * Anemia

* Arthritis         * Beriberi

* Bronchial Asthma * Breast Cancer

* Bronchitis         * Burns

* Cancer                 * Cervical Cancer

* Cervical  Ulcer         * Colitis

* Colon Cancer * Colon Prolapsed

* Conjunctivitis         * Constipation

* Cyst         * Diabetes

* Dengue         * Dysmenorrhea

* Endormetriosis         * Epilepsy

* Gall Stone         * Goiter

* Gout         * Halitosis

* Hepatitis         * Hypertension

* Immunodeficiency * Insomnia

* Jaundice         * Kidney Disease

* Kidney Stone * Leptospirosis

* Liver Cirrhosis         * Low Sperm Count

* Macular Degeneration * Mental Tiredness

* Migraine         * Muscle and Nerve Pain

* Muscular Dystrophy * Myoma

* Osteoarthritis         * Osteoporosis

* Paralysis         * Prolapse of Stomach

* Psoriasis         * Rheumatic Heart Fever

* Rheumatoid Arthritis * Sexual Impotence

* Shortness of Breath * Stroke Edema

* Thrombosis         * Thyroid Problem

* Tonsillitis         * Toxic Blood and Acidosis

* Toxins in the Body * Underweight and Malnutrition

* Urethritis         * Vertigo

* Weakness of Lower Leg, etc...


  • Reduce the risk of coronary heart disease
  • Fights any types of Cancer
  • Heals any illness or disease
  • Normalizes/lowers sugar level
  • Lowers blood cholesterol level
  • Has Chromium and Vanadium that enhances  the action of insulin that leads to better absorption and use of sugar
  • Clear up skin problems
  • Removes scar on lungs
  • Has powerful antioxidant that helps the  body kill cancer cell and overcome a    variety of ailments, including acne and ulcers
  • High in both soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fiber helps metabolize fats,  cholesterol and carbohydrates. Insoluble fiber promotes a healthy digestive tract  and reduces risk of colon cancer.
  • Has Superoxide Dismutase that repairs  damage heart tissue

Recommended Use :

Each sachet contains 3 grams of 100% Sante  PureBarley Grass from New Zealand. Pour Sachet’s content into a cup of cold or tap water. Stir well and enjoy. Take 1 to 2 sachets daily. Sante PureBarley NZ is best taken before meals.


For pregnant, nursing and allergic to barley grass, kindly consult your Doctor or Pharmacist before taking this product.

Scientific Facts: 
Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, M.D.1925 – 2004
Doctor, Scientist, Inventor,
Pharmacologist, Entrepreneur


My research has shown that the green leaves of the embryonic barley plant contain the most prolific, balanced supply of nutrients that exist on earth in a single source.” – Dr. Hagiwara

"Scientific evidence indicates that including Barley in a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease by lowering LDL and total cholesterol levels"
- FDA News, 19th of May



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